Puppy Portal

Can you believe dogs have to work to get by in this economy?

24, he/they/it, 16+ only please, I post suggestive content sometimes

More fun down below!

Howdy! This is my corner of the web so it'll be hosting the majority of things I put out onto the internet. Think of this like an archive for any blogs, art, videos, etc. that I'll be putting out. Check out the links at the top for quick navigation if you don't wanna sort through all the bullshit below. As said above, 16+ only please, I make inappropriate jokes and share suggestive material. There are also links here that will lead to explicit things; those will be 18+ and have warnings stating as much.

I'm Saturn and I'm 24, I live in the US but spent my time growing up in another country. I'm currently studying psychology, but art and othr forms of expression are also a passion of mine. I cannot play any instruments and I don't like coleslaw. Currently I just post art, but I'm working on starting a store where I'll post things like animal ears and stickers. Check back here for blog updates, current projects, and any other bullshit I wanna put on here. Cheers!

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This site is still a work in progress, thanks for being here during the beta!